Is real estate a good investment?

It is considered as the Real estate is one of the best ways they invest. One of the favorite asset classes of Indian investors is Real estate. Gold, Cash, Real estate, Debt, Stock, Mutual funds and Equity, etc. are the different options of asset classes for the purpose of investment.


Real Estate is a key segment of any country and its growth. Real estate investments are part of the fixed capital formation. In Real estate owning and buying is an investment strategy.  Investment is a way where we look for our Earning and as well as savings. There are also other options for investment like Gold. Investing in Gold also is worth-full as time goes its value and the price increases.  Real estate is a comparatively better investment than investing in Gold.


Many investors attracted to real estate because it won’t require putting more effort the Earning. Just by purchasing land and leaving it for some years, its value will be double. Everyone needs a home for living and a place for work. By owning a land, property you will be able to rent it out and can make extra income. real estate provides regular dividends Comparing to other assets of investment that investors can expect.


The wonderful thing about real estate is the value of a property increases over the long term, later your property may appreciate value by providing you the highest returns when you choose it to sell.


If you afford a real estate investment, simply waiting for the correct time for the investment is useless, because any time is a good time for the real estate investment. by investing in an asset that generates regular streams of income, you can protect yourself and your investments.


India is a country where most of the millionaires became millionaires because their forefathers bought some property and that property appreciated immensely over time giving them manifold returns!

Some of the best ways to invest in Real estate are

  1. Long-term appreciation– This is the situation where you will have a piece of land (residential, commercial, or industrial) in a newly developed peripheral area of a huge city with great growth prospects and will wait for a few years for the property to become more valuable. The gains from such appreciation are called long-term gains. This is the best way of investing in real estate because it can give the highest returns and doesn’t require many brains. Also, the returns from long-term capital gains are subjected to the lowest tax rates i.e 20%.


  1. Investing for monthly rental returns– You can invest in a variety of properties for rental returns and each type of property shall give you varying returns. This is mostly suitable for people who want a regular and stable income and cannot afford to wait for a long period of time. Such Properties mostly exist in urbanized areas and do not appreciate much in the long term.


  1. Trading real estate– Many people expect to earn returns on their real estate investment within a short period of time. Such people usually buy a property by paying 10–20% as earnest money and get time to pay the rest within 2–3 months. If they are able to sell the property within 3 months at a higher price than what they had bought it for.


Sewakram Realty plays a key role in Hubli-Dharwad Real estate. As it is a pioneer in Cold storage construction in Hubli-Dharwad. The company has completed 25+ projects including industrial projects and warehouses.


Thinking to invest in Real estate? Don’t wait for the right time! Any time is the right time to invest in real estate. Sewakram Realty will guide you to make the right decision for the real estate investment.

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